Piazzale Baiamonti's wisteria
issue through online videos
W-hysteria is a magazine developed as the output for the forensic design process about
the piazzale baiamonti's issue that developed between 2019 and 2023. It surrounded the cutting
of a 70 years old Wisteria to leave space for new urbanistic plans. This brought up many different problems
about Milan's municipality itself. Citizens from that neighbourhood played a key role in changing the architectural plans.
Forensic design & Data design
Concept design, Coding
Andrea Burchiani, Sofia Bonfanti, Benedetta Riccio, Tommaso Prinetti, Zou Yyou, He Bing Ru
Data granularity
Knowing that our main data was video from 10s to 35minutes, our challenge was how to aggregate and look at data
without losing the granularity of the single element of dataset. We collected more than 120 videos
Processing industrialization
As we decided to work mainly with single frames or in general to analyze them, we focussed on extracting
and processing the various frames using Neural Networks able to identify series of scenes that contained a main subject,
keeping one frame for each. A bit of manual elaboration and error fixing helped us achieving a final dataset
that was the base for our catalogue.
The catalogue itself
In the end the catalogue was a reasoned collection of all the data obtained from the videos.
This artifact aims to narrate the situation, rather than providing an objective point of view about that.